The Value of Neutral Professionals


Why do we need a Facilitator?

Why do we need a Financial Professional?

These are the most commonly asked questions when I speak to clients about the benefits of Collaborative Practice – a team approach in which each party has a lawyer to advocate for him or her and the neutral professionals provide independent specialist advice and assistance to:

  • De-escalate conflict.

  • Coach respectful communication.

  • Handle “hot button” issues during negotiation.

  • Generate financial options.

  • Create child focused Parenting Plans.

The additional cost of involving these neutral professionals pales in comparison to the value and benefit they bring to the process and outcomes. If dealing with separation issues just required legal solutions then it would all be easy – but this is rarely the case. Managing emotions and relationship dynamics is critical – that is where a Facilitator (normally a psychologist) is of enormous benefit. Dealing with budgets and creating financial solutions that are effective in both and the short and long term is greatly assisted by the skill set of a Financial Professional.

It is possible to have a good separation where conflict is removed, family relationships are preserved and children thrive. The chances of having a good separation are significantly enhanced when we involve professionals with the necessary skills and expertise. 

By Anthony Cinque, Lawyer - Bayside Collaborative – Separation Specialists

Meirav Dulberg